Monday, 26 November 2012

Getting myself sorted

So I talked about putting everything together that I have said I should do, so here it is:

  • Organize each day, know my meals and pack my snacks and lunch
  • Ground myself everyday, for me this means spending approx 10 mins with my bare feet on the ground, focusing on the day and what is important to me, what I am grateful for and who I am
  • Develop a goal and reward system
  • Be proud of my achievements for the week
  • Water Water and more water.
  • Review what I am thankful for in the day/ Gratitude diary.
  • Daily Mantra

I was so sure there was so much more, so in all honest I have just been living my excuses, I haven't even been looking for ways to overcome them.

So I am going to try and focus on these things, and take it one step at a time. I have done a shop and I even ate a lunch, that meets all my requirements.

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you too Miss Dani! I like the grounding idea, and am interested in your goal and reward system - can you keep us posted with what you decide?
